Urban Re-Leaf Candles for a Healthy Environment
Once upon a time, candles were essential for interior lighting. After Edison’s light bulb came along, candles were relegated to the shelf, saved for special holidays or maybe a power outage.
Not anymore. Now that natural ingredients are used to make them, candles are emerging as a perfect way to create a healthier environment.

Candle Decoration Tips for Your Home

The Benefits of Burning Candles in Your Home

The Wonders and Versatility of Hemp
It’s very well known that consuming tobacco is definitely not good for you—but what about smelling it through a perfume, cologne, spray or candle?
Tobacco is a popular scent in many men’s colognes—all you need is to take a visit to a department store and you’d be hard-pressed not to see it featured on the shelves. Tobacco as a fragrance is sweet, but there’s also a quality of amber and richness that make it appealing to men and women all over the world. Perhaps it brings about images of 1930's cocktail hours in smoking lounges, a throwback to a different era that oozed class and grace.

How Does Scent Affect You?
Scents, aromas and fragrances affect people in a variety of ways. How many times has your mood been instantly altered because of a pleasing smell? Much of this belief is the science behind aromatherapy, emphasizing certain fragrances eliciting certain physiological responses.
The top 5 Benefits of Burning Candles
How To Mix Candle Fragrances (It’s Not As Easy As You Think!)
How To Mix Candle Fragrances (It’s Not As Easy As You Think!)
We love our cannabis coconut wax candles at Urban Re-Leaf – obviously – and that means we often have dozens of candles sitting around, and we’re thinking about ways to mix their fragrances, and create a comfortable, peaceful environment.